Monday, July 31, 2006

Supersize me

Late news out of LaJolla, California. Dinner is on me and you can order anything that you want because US scientists have found the solution to the obesity problem -- and instead of a pill -- it's a shot -- a shot they're calling the anti-obesity vaccine.

You see, they gave these rats this vaccine directed against a hormone that helps regulate energy. The results show less weight gain and less body fat than those fat rats that got no vaccine.
The finding, said the scientists, might be especially important to stop what is commonly called "yo-yo dieting," the cycle of repeated loss and regain of weight experienced by many dieters.
Wait a sec, I like my yo-yo dieting. What's up with that! One week I'm down three pounds, and the next week, I'm up five pounds. This is awful! This is horrible! Where's my potato chips and diet coke? Maybe this will be a good thing. We'll see.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Do you think they'll save this for the "morbidly obese" or will us little people who do the 10 to 20 pound thing when they're not careful, and then starve for a month, be able to get in on the action?

I suddenly lost a huge amount of weight a few years ago (not on purpose) and I'm just now beginning to have to watch myself again. I've got about 10 pounds from the holidays still hanging on ... *sigh* ... I really want them gone before the holidays roll around again ... but those nice cold refreshing Jim Beam and ginger ales ... ahh well ...


Mother Jones RN said...

Hey Doc A.

If we can run that vaccine as an IV drip, let's skip dinner. I'll just hook myself to an IVAC pump, and meet you at Baskin-Robbins.

Mother Jones RN

Dreaming again said...

okay ...

while my food issues have literally gone to disordered epic porportions ... you just found something that would keep me from worrying about it ...

a needle ...

if my choice was forever obesity and a needle ... I'd welcome the fat ...

geesh o peep!

Needle Phobic

Sarebear said...

Lots of issues here, I'd be afraid that people would think I was choosing an "easy" way out, that I was looking for a quick fix and not wanting to do hard work.

I've a BMI of 41-43, so's I'm WAY up there, and I'm starting some exercise. Genetically, I'm prone to large size, too. So this would be good but I wouldn't be telling anyone I was getting it.

Hypothetically speaking.

Anonymous said...

Sign me up.... where do i need to go???