Saturday, December 25, 2010

Welcome Medical Economics Readers

Welcome to those of you who have found my site after reading the December 3rd, 2010 edition of Medical Economics magazine. Thanks to Morgan Lewis, Jr for interviewing me for the article entitled "Getting Patients To 'Like' Your Practice." Also thanks to Chris Holley-Starling for all the great photographs including the magazine cover.

In addition to Medical Economics, I've also been featured by the ACP Internist website, Pixels & Pills website,, American Medical News, Radio Rounds program, and others.

On the Doctor Anonymous site, I invite you to check out the site including blog posts all the way back to 2006, my podcasts where I interview some of the most popular people in medical social media, my twitter stream, my facebook page, my you tube page and a lot more. I also have a LinkedIn page for your review as well. Feel free to leave a comment below, or drop me an e-mail with feedback (the e-mail address is in the sidebar). Thanks again for stopping by the site. I appreciate it!

Addendum: Local TV news interviewed me in January 2011 about the Medical economics cover. See the video below.


Gary M. Levin said...

Very cool, and great photos of you and your Mac Empire !

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commoncents said...

THANK YOU for posting! I'm glad I found your blog!!

Common Cents

Rosemildo Sales Furtado said...

Olá amigo! Passando para desejar um Feliz natal e um Próspero Ano Novo pra ti e para os teus.



jersey shore season 4 episode 1 said...

Great read thanks!