The Queen of Memes herself is coming to visit the Doctor Anonymous Show on Thursday, October 25th, 2007 starting at 10pm Eastern Time. What time will it be where you're at? Well, click here and find out so you can tune in.
As you know, Mimi is the Founder of the Peace Globe Movement and will be having the Blogblast for Peace coming up on Wednesday, November 7th, 2007 (only two weeks away now). We'll be talking about this and a lot more on the upcoming show.
I encourage you to check out her post from Thursday, October 12, 2006 as kind of an insight on how this entire idea started. In addition, Mimi's own post from Tuesday, November 7, 2006 - the first peace globe day. Here's my post as well.
If you haven't already, get your 2007 peace globe right here and place it on your blog - place it on your sidebar - place it anywhere and everywhere. Do it now, before you forget. Tell you friends about it.
And, while you are personalizing your peace globe, don't forget to join Mimi on the Doctor Anonymous Show on October 25th. We'll be LIVE on internet radio and will be taking your phone calls. Check here tomorrow for more details....
I listened to your show tonight, Dr A. You and Mimi did a great job. :)
I couldn't find the chat box, though.
I wanted to call ya, but the family was in bed and I didn't want to wake 'em.
Great show!!!
Hi CWM - Yup, the chat room was not working and that's why you didn't see the button come up. I'm really bummed about that :(
But, thanks for listening. I really appreciate it!
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