Monday, October 29, 2007

What time is it?

So, I come into the office this morning to find all the phones and computers screwed up. The time is off by an hour. How could have this happened? Is this the twilight zone? Well, sort of. Thanks to our favorite US Congress, they changed the dates when Daylight Savings time happens. Yeesh! Why do they have control over time? They can't even run Medicare? (image credit)


Anonymous said...

Thanks Dr. A. This gives me the evidence I need to prove to my grad assistant that I'm not crazy. I mentioned last Friday that I this should be the end of DST. But I hadn't heard or seen anything about it. He tried to convince it had already happened.

Dr. Rob said...

I got one of those "auto set" alarm clocks. On Sunday AM it was an hour off. Apparently nobody told these magic clocks that things had changed as well.

I am sure, however, that these changes will solve global warming.

Rositta said...

Well my computer got it right but thanks to you Americans, we Canadian had to follow and now it won't be dark early on Halloween...the kiddies will hate that, not spookey enough...ciao

thethinker said...

That's why my cell phone changed!

I was almost late for work because of it.

Mimi Lenox said...

I was so confused this morning. The morning news anchor announced the time like a huge deal and I thought "What?! I'm late to work!" I was supposed to fall back or spring forward or something so I sprang out of bed and fell on the floor.

It wasn't pretty.

Anonymous said...

Not related to this, but please check out Grand Rounds today at Some moving and insightful stories about experiences in hospitals. Thanks.