This week, The Doctor Anonymous Show will be talking about the HUGE medblogger meetup which will take place at the 2009 BlogWorld/NewMedia Expo which will take place October 15th in Las Vegas. I hope that you have already made plans to attend this historic event.
Our guest for the show will be the one and only Kim from the wildly popular Emergiblog - which is, in my opinion, one of the premiere blogs in all of the medical blogosphere - and I'm not kidding when I say this. In addition to all of Kim's other responsibilities, she is the keeper of "Change of Shift" which accumulates the best nursing blog posts around. If you're a nurse blogger, you're not anyone until you have posted and/or hosted an edition of "Change of Shift."
Anyway, Kim and I will be talking about the first ever programming track for Medicine/Health bloggers which will take place at BWE/NME this fall. I encourage you to check out her appearance on the "Blog World Expo" show last week where she goes into detail on how all of this came about (You can listen on the player above, or download the show here and listen anytime). Also joining Kim is our pal Dr. Gwenn on last week's BWE show.
So, join Kim and me on Thursday, April 9th, 2009 at 9pm Eastern Time on The Doctor Anonymous Show. As I talked about on last week's show, I'm still trying to get my way on one of the panel presentations for the event. I'm thinking about maybe starting a petition campaign - maybe having some t-shirts made - maybe get some blog badges to be made - all in jest of course. Hope to see you for the show!
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