So, my 20 year high school reunion is coming up in about a week. And, I have been going back and forth about whether I'm going to attend this event. I really have no excuses. I was born, grew up, went to college, and ultimately work in the same city (that's depressing to talk about, but that's for another post). So, it's not like I have to get on a plane or make any kind of lavish travel plans to get to the reunion.
Ten years ago, I went to the reunion. And, I admit that I really did not have a good time. It was kind of like stepping into a time machine and having all those insecurities come back on me. In fact, I think the 10 year reunion was actually at the school. How weird was that? (although it's probably pretty common)
Anyway, this is probably pretty "snob-ish" for me to say, but I've decided that I'm not going to my reunion next weekend. Facebook, despite all the negativity that is out there right now about it, has been an interesting way to try to catch up with people and what they're doing now. And, for me, I'm pretty content with that. Facebook has handled my curiosity factor for most of the people that I was interested in catching up with.
Best of luck to my class as they celebrate their 20 year reunion coming up next weekend. I won't be there. But, maybe through the magic of social media and Facebook, I will be, as I know that probably pictures will be posted. I'd rather go through the time machine through the comfort of my own home on the computer, rather than be there in person....
Wow…very honest post. I understand exactly how you feel, but it’s sad high school insecurities stay with us for so long. Personally, every time I see a friend from school get married or have a baby …I feel a twinge of inadequacy. It’s not “snob-ish” to skip out if you honestly feel like you wouldn’t enjoy yourself, but don’t feel insecure. You are the Dr. Anonymous and you have fans. Who else can say that?
I'm sorry. I give random pep talks sometimes.
My 20 year HS reunion is in November and right now I'm undecided if I'll go. I didn't to my 10 year because I didn't think people would be that different or interesting after only 10 years. I think after 20 years people have experienced so much more in life. But I actually think that Facebook has ruined the high school reunion. Thanks to Facebook, I already know who's married, who has kids, who is fat and who is bald.
But who knows...3 months from now I may change my mind and go to the reunion. I'll wait and see :-)
Hey SNC - I thought I was the only one to feel like that about some people from high school. Thanks for the random pep talk! We all need one sometimes.
Hi drlori71 - I'll be curious on if you decide to go or not. I admit that even up to last week, I was still undecided. But, after thinking about it this weekend, this is what I came up with. And, what better way to celebrate, than to blog about it and share it with all of you!
I did not attend my 20 year HS reunion this year either. I really felt as though I didn't have much interest in seeing people with whom I have no other contact with except at these events. I am only in contact on a personal level with one friend from high school. I am probably friends with 30 or so people from my HS class on Facebook but only to "see what they are doing". I don't want to be close with any of them. Social media gives us a chance to know what other people are doing without the falseness of "we should get together more often" or "keep in touch".
I didn't go to my 10 or 20 year reunions... and I think sometimes it was the envy factor. I was in all honors/ AP classes, and now I'm a glorified secretary. Meanwhile, most of my academic peers are doctors, lawyers, stay-at-home mothers... stuff I'd like to be now, but am not due to choices and circumstances I'm in no position to change now, LOL.
If I could go back and talk to my early college self, I'd try to at least convince her to major in something other than English. GACK.
Greetings NEOUCOM 96 - Like you, I have really kept in touch with maybe one or 2 people from high school and only a handful of people from medical school. Facebook has satisfied my curiousity factor about what is happening with people. So, oh well. Thanks for your comment!
Hi there Amanda - I've read your blog and it certainly looks like you've done well with yourself. But, if we could go back to change the past, I know that a lot of us would probably make some different decisions on some stuff...
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