Sunday, December 10, 2006


I'm not talking about the first nighttime shuttle launch in four years. This was great to see on television. I would love to see this live and in person.

But, I digress. I'm talking about the countdown to my six month blogiversary. I can't believe that it's coming up next week. To be honest, I didn't think I would make it this long.

Thanks so much to all of you for continuing to stop by and occasionally leave comments. Forgive me over the next week as I may look back a little bit, to reminisce, and to reflect. It's that holiday spirit, I guess.

Finally, thanks to those of you who sent notes when I was feeling ill. I really appreciate it. I guess all the handwashing in the world can't totally prevent getting a cold this time of year around here. I'm feeling better - Just in time for me to be on call for the Christmas holiday. Oh well...


Anonymous said...

I'm on call for New Year's week. Congrats on the 6 months. And thanks for the video. I love those launches.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for the next six months and more. I am glad you are feeling better!

Anonymous said...

Happy 6 months!!! I just passed mine too!!!! Looking forward to the next 6 months!!!

HP said...

6 months already and an interesting time has been had by all :)

Good to hear you're feeling better. I tried emailing chicken soup but your server rejected it!

Extinct and hunted said...

Good to hear that you are feeling better. 6 months, hey? Just look at all those extra (& virtual) lives that you have touched with the entries in your blog!

Anonymous said...

Glad to know your feeling better and your back.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that was a quick 6 months. Happy you are feeling better! Its this hideous weather we are having. 70s one week and teens the next.

Anonymous said...

congrats doc! glad you are feeling better too. bee

The Curmudgeon said...

A beautiful video.

Six month blogiversary, eh? You've done more in 5+ months than I've done in a year... or am likely to do in six years.

Congrats, Doc.

Anonymous said...

Who do doctors see when they're feeling ill? I've always wondered about that.

Congrats on your first six's rather fulfilling to know others enjoy what you write!

Feel better soon.

PS. I found a new music site that plays lots of great jazz. Check out my new player. It's cool!