Did you know it was National Love Your Patients Day? Yeah, I didn't either. I heard it on the radio this morning and, just now, a patient mentioned it to me. What does that mean for the rest of the days of the year, that we don't love our patients? Saying stuff like this potentially has implications - just ask Joe Biden.
Anyway, in doing some research on this, this day was conceived by an ER doc in Maryland. You can read more in this press release. But, here's a quote:
"This day was born out of the need for a more compassionate system of health care in this country. We need to restore the heart and humanity of medicine," [the physician] says. "We're reminding doctors and other health professionals, whose jobs are increasingly influenced by technology and insurance companies, about what is most important in health care: patients, and their values and dignity."I really shouldn't be hard on the guy. It's a good idea to remind us to "love our patients." Trying to make the doctor/patient relationship less advisarial is always a good thing. So, as I journey onward today, I will wish everyone a happy National Love Your Patients Day! It's the least I can do....
It won't be long until Hallmark gets into this day too.
Does this mean that all of your patients will receive flowers and candy from their favorite Doctor A?
nah .. I don't see it as any different than Doctor appreciation day ...secretary appreciation day ..teacher appreciation day ... postman appreciation day ... dogwalker appreciation day ... lawyer appreciation day ... neighbor appreciation day ... Provider Appreciation Day...MILITARY PERSONNEL AND FAMILIES APPRECIATION...Employee Appreciation Day... Juror Appreciation Day ...Family Appreciation Day...Child care worker & early childhood educator appreciation day ...
Dining Appreciation Day... 03-23-06 Housing Appreciation Day ...System Administrator Appreciation Day...National Maritime Day ....STUDENT APPRECIATION DAY!...Retiree Appreciation Day ...Legislative Appreciation Day at LaFonda, Santa Fe....Coworker Appreciation Day ...Donald Rumsfeld Appreciation Day ...Taxpayer Appreciation Day...Bubble Wrap Appreciation ...Military Spouse Appreciation Day...Air Conditioning Appreciation Days...
Maybe we need to just have an appreciation of appreciation days ...
I guess I should have gone to the doctor today instead of yesterday and maybe it wouldn't have cost me half my paycheck just to have proper vision.
However, I agree with dreaming, I think I would have gotten shanked and charged an arm and a leg if it was patient apprciation day, or postman's day or juror's day, or even air conditioning day. It's just way to freaking expensive to have anything wrong with you in this country.
I'm going to go back to being a Christian Scientist. Even though I couldn't accurately heal anything, at least it never cost me any money. Was that a rant?
Welcome back! I was very happy to see some new posts from you...:)
Perfect. I have to see my gastroenterologist today! I hope he's got lots of love for me *grin*...
Nice to see you back, dear.
I'm with you...shouldn't everyday be 'love' your patient day as in the terms defined by the originating ER doc?
Seems like there's a day for just about everything now. Although, haven't yet seen the 'love your psychologist' day.... ;)
Glad you're back. They have national days for just about everything - today for example, is also the national day for student action (the day when all the Canadian university students march to the legislative buildings to protest high tuition fees).
Do your patients get kittens or flowers or something today?
Hey Dr. A, I'm glad you decided to keep blogging. I find your blog quite enjoyable, and read it on a regular basis, even though I don't always leave a comment. Besides, what would you do to satisfy your blogaholism?!?!? :)
I don't know. I think it's kinda hot for doctors to tell me they love me. JUST KIDDING! :-P
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