Sunday, August 20, 2006


Something really strange happened this morning. I woke up at 5:30am and had this urge to blog. Something strange, I know, coming from a self-proclaimed blogaholic. I've been reflecting on the past three weeks. It's been a long month for me -- busier than it usually is. And, day after day after day, I felt myself getting more and more fatigued. Yes, I was working too much. Yes, I did not have enough free time. And, yes, I was not getting enough sleep.

And, then, it happened. Blogging actually felt like work. I was so sleep deprived and tired that I was not looking forward to writing my blog. Some people (rightly so) remakred about how my posts were not the same as in the recent past -- and that was right. It was hard to hide from the truth.

So, instead of getting to the point of driving myself away from blogging, I decided to take my blog break. I thought that it would be just for a couple of days. I told myself that I would not come back until I felt the urge to do so. One day went by, then two, then three. I asked myself would I ever come back. Was I done with blogging? Was this just a passing thing for me and now I'm done? But just this morning, just now, it happened and I'm back at my trusty Mac keyboard typing away. I wonder if anyone else has went through something like this before.

Even though I started blogging nine weeks ago, I put the training wheels back on my bike just in case I forgot how to do all this. Blogging every day was tough (or maybe it seemed tough). Maybe I'll change that, maybe not. But, for now, I guess the best place to start is the beginning of this month and more forward from there...


Anonymous said...

Well it's supposed to be fun and a way to decrease your stress, not add to it. Atleast you recognized it for what it was and took actions to correct it rather than make yourself keep blogging at a time it wasn't meant to be.

I know I have missed you on my site, but I also know how busy you are.

I think most of us would rather someone take breaks now and then, than for them to leave the blogosphere altogether. I still have thoughts and questions about Dr. Dork and worry about what could have happened to him.

I'm happy to see you back and refueled!

Michael C said...

Welcome back! There have been a few days since I started blogging at the end of June where it was hard to be creative. I would sit down and force myself to to write about a news story or something else I had already thought about at some point during the week.

Most of the time after sitting down and just starting to write, the juices would get flowin' and I'd turn out something pretty good.

Just getting words on the page has been my hurdle on occasions. But no one can deny that if the muse ain't there, it's better to wait her out ;-)

Anonymous said...

You have to be able to adjust blogging against living - not the other way around, or it ceases to be theraputic ... and becomes a serious problem. Gee ... I think I just described an addiction, didn't I? *LOL*

Since coming to camp, I've been extraordinarily busy - this week I have a load of school work, and only have 2 out of the 7 days without company ... most of which is overnight company this week. My blogging is definitely on a diet right now.

Next week, after my finals, I'll have a bit more time (I hope) and will be able to catch up with the HUGE number of posts that Bloglines tells me I'm behind ... it hit 4 digits a few days ago, although I keep picking away at it when I have a few free moments.

The idea is that the blog - and the blog community - will still be there when life settles down again. You do what you have to do, and blog when you can, or when you need to in order to take a bit of load off ...

Like Cathy said ... when we lose one of our own (like Dr. Dork) we worry about them ... and if he were to come back after all of these months, he would definitely resume being part of the blog family, and we would all be relieved to realize that he's OK. If he were to come back with a tale of personal hardship, no one would be upset with him for causing us all to worry, we would just be grateful to have him back.

Life, rest, work ... health ... all of those things come first. We'll be here when you need a refuge from them. Just don't set yourself up to need a refuge from blogging ... *blink*

The Domesticator said...

I have been through a bit of blog apathy myself of late, and I blogged about it recently. BUT, there is a blog I enjoy called "Mommy Off The Record"....she wrote an excellent blog post about this apathy, and how it can take over your life....she wrote a post a few days ago called "10 Blogging Commandments" You should check it out. Her link is on my blog.

Flashtrigger said...

A really close friend of mine, Logan, went through a blog-break that lasted a year. He wrote about every other day faithfully for 3 years, and the stopped last August. I just got an email from him that he's updated old information and will get back to writing regularly in about a week. So no, this isn't unusual. :-) I think if you force anything, even something pleasurable, it'll lose its meaning, and you'll just learn to hate it.
Welcome back.

Anonymous said...

Blogging isn't something you have to do everyday . . .I just went almost a week without blogging! I've been busy, and sometimes it's a time-eater. I make time for blogging when it reduces my stress, otherwise I blog when I feel moved or have the time. If that is daily, fine. If that is weekly, that's fine too.

I'm glad you didn't give up blogging. ;o) Write for you, not for us. Take care, Dr. A . . .

Dr. A said...

Thanks so much for the feedback and advice. At times, I'm kind of jealous of those of you who keep it up day after day. But, all of you are right, blogging should be fun and not a chore. I think I'm starting to find the fun in it again...

ipanema said...

I'm still in this stage - the push and pull. I've been telling others I may pull ut of it anytime, then something happened last June. I thought it was goodbye for me. I suddenly had this urge of experimenting my template and I like what I saw. the rest they say is histoty, am still

Anyway, I'm keeping the doors open ....for me to get out. But I have made friends which is something. I'm taking it a step each day. :)