Tuesday, June 19, 2007

One Year Blogiversary!

365 days and 386 posts later, I'm still here. Can you believe it? Thanks to everyone out there in blog land for your assistance, advice, and support over the past year. I definitely couldn't have done any of this without you.

By the way, has anyone seen the blogiversary cake that goes with this candle? Maybe it can be found over here. Thanks again. I appreciate it more than you'll ever know...


Awesome Mom said...


AtriaBooks said...

Really? Just a year. You seem far more established than that.


twilite said...

Hi Dr A. Happy 1st blogiversary...wishing you happy posting and interacting on this blogosphere!!! It's been nice browsing through your blog daily though.


twilite said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MM said...

Happy birthday!!!

Vijay said...

Wishing you many more years of addiction and abundance.

Pieces of Mind said...

Happy first birthday!

Hope you have many more! :)

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

congratulations doc! where is the cake? seriously, i want cake. (my OTHER addiction! ha ha)

smiles, bee

rlbates said...

Happy Birthday!! and many more!

Cathy said...

Happy Blogiversary Dr. A...May this addiction continue for many years.

The Curmudgeon said...

Happy Blogiversary Doc.

An Unhappy Charter Customer said...

Happy Blog Birthday.

Keep up the great posts.

The Beach Bum said...


Happy Blogiversary and congrats!

The Beach Bum

Anonymous said...

Many happy returns! (Gosh, it's a typing pun ...)

may said...

infancy is over! woohooo! congratulations!

Mimi Lenox said...

Happy Blogiversary, Doc! You were one of my very first blog friends. Great job you're doing here. We all enjoy your blogging adventures.

ipanema said...

I thought your blog is more than that!

Happy Blogiversary, Dr. A!

Dr. A said...

Thanks so much for everyone's well wishes. I really appreciate it! You're the best.

rdl said...

Congratulations!! late to the party, how was the cake?
also, love the reverse blogroll list - cause it puts me near the top. now if my blogroll would only update like it's supposed to.

coaster1robert said...

Happy 1-year anniversary!!! DR A.

Chrysalis said...

I'm sure glad you're still around Dr.A.!b