Friday, December 12, 2008

Show 62 Wrap-up

Thanks to Angelo from Podcamp Ohio for joining us on The Doctor Anonymous Show 62. (see video post above) We're just in the beginning stages of the planning process for the event which will take place on Saturday, June 20, 2008 in Columbus, Ohio at Ohio State University. (Can also download show here)

Angelo also gave us an update stating that his wife Heather is due with their first child in the middle on January. I encourage you to check out his blog to see a picture from a recent baby shower. Angelo also shared his experience at the recent Podcamp Pittsburgh meeting.

Following the interview, I was happy to welcome Trauma Junky who not only listened to the show for the first time, he also called into the show to talk about respiratory therapy and his blog called Surviving RT School. TJ even wrote a post about being on the show. Thanks so much! I encourage you to check it out. The post is entitled, "Does this makes me famous?"

Finally, want to give a shout out to one of my new peeps named "T-rave." He talks about tech on his site and also on Twitter. He also listened to the show for the first time. And, what does he do? He makes a video post about it. Thanks so much! You are the man!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great show, Dr. A.

Thanks for the plug about my blog.

I'll be sure to log in and listen next week.