Who is this guy? Well, he is my new best friend. LOL. I just learned that this very blog was featured in a FoxNews.com story by Dr. Manny Alvarez who is the Health News Managing Editor.
Is there a Blogger in the House? Five Great Doctor Blogs
Dr. Blog Please Report to the Internet, Dr. Blog Please Report to the Internet...
The prescription slip with the chicken scratch you're holding may suggest otherwise, but let it be known that some doctors can actually write, and write well. You can thank the computer for the legibility, but the content comes from somewhere else.
In today's column we're featuring blogs written by doctors themselves. Doctors from all medical disciplines are blogging about their areas of expertise, their thoughts on popular health news items, as well as those appearing in medical journals, and anything else that tickles their fancy.
You may be a little more knowledgeable before the next visit to your doctor after your first visit to one of these web sites.
I remember reading about when Emergiblog was mentioned last month.
I am humbled to be included in the same article as Flea, Surgeonsblog, Neonatal Doc, and the Cheerful Oncologist.Doctor Anonymous: Don't be fooled by the picture of McDreamy from the hit ABC medical drama "Grey's Anatomy." Just because actor Patrick Dempsey supposedly saved a life recently, that doesn't make him a real doctor. Sorry, ladies.Well, I'm definitely out of my blog funk now, huh? Thanks so much to Dr. Manny and FoxNews.com for the plug. I really appreciate it. Welcome to those of you who have clicked on over from there. I invite you to my sidebar to check out my favorite posts. Thanks for stopping by....
Doctor Anonymous reveals that the blogger is a physician and a blogoholic. Good thing for his readers, because he provides interesting perspective on a wide variety of health topics (and frequent off-topics, if you will) including children's health, Alzheimer's, medication, and the latest health headlines.
Hey mate, you're incredibly famous. :) Well done!
Wow, congratulations!
hello!! I am Italian! yours blog he is truly amazing! also I have a blog: http://www.superjuventus.blogspot.com mine blog is a lot supplied in fact is: of the games, a clock, a calendar, of statistics, a forum, a chat, a guestbook, of the images of the juve and the news on the juve, you me can write an email with a box that she finds herself in bottom to the blog! you come to visit it and votes it. if you make it you make me a greatest favor!!!
Oh man, I've known from the beginning you had it in you. Maybe it is time to start gathering all these blog posts and put them in a book form?
Yes, that would also get me from the blog funk as well. Send these guys to my place, would ya?..lol
Hubba hubba, Doctor A. Not so anonymous anymore eh?
(ahahahahaha see what I did there that was witty hahahaha DUHHHH... *drools*)
Heh. Congrats on the rising star! You put a lot of work into this here blog, and it's paying off. Nice one.
well honey if you are not out of your blog funk now i'm coming there and kick your butt!! (and i keep telling you i know who you are, i mean it!)
smiles, bee
(drat! Word verification again! drat!)
Congrats on the rec. It's nice to be recognized, especially in such a public forum. May your stats go through the roof now.
Hi Dr. A. I work for Dr. Manny and was just about to send you a note to let you know that your blog was featured on the www.foxnews.com/health site, but I see you found out already. ;-)
Can you send us a note through the contact form on Dr. Manny's personal site at www.askdrmanny.com ? Thanks, and again, great work on the site.
I read your blog last night after reading Dr. Manny's column on Fox News online. I really enjoy what you have to say. I hope that you keep it up. I really like the shout out to Dr. Manny today. None of the other blogs he listed have even mentioned his column.. Oh well.
"None of the other blogs [Dr. Manny} listed have even mentioned his column."
Doc -- your responsiveness is a big reason why you've gone from 0 to 60 in such an all-fired hurry.
Who is Dr. Manny? ;)
Once again, congratulations...well done! A nice way to end the week--although don't know if you're working tomorrow ;)
HOw fun!!!!!
Wow, very cool!
Congratulations :)
Congratulations! And to think, I just found you! Must be worth the hype, eh?
Congratulations, Dr. A.
Just remember to drop by Sydney on the book tour! :)
WOW. Congratulations!
That's frickin awesome!! Since he obviously saw your Patrick Dempsey picture, that means he must've seen your "Bestest Blog" award as well! Maybe I'll be in his next write up!
My psych Dr. looks like Louis Dryfus and Chumly was the psych Dr. in the Harvey movie. Am I in trouble or what?
Good for you (and all your blogroll buddies ;)
Dang! Man, I'll be able to tell my grandkids that I blogged with that guy babk when Blogger was Beta!
Congrats, doc. You deserve the honor.
Congrats! You're more popular than I am now, but I'll live with my pain. :)
Don't let your head get too big lol
Hi Richard Gere.
WOW! Congrats on the great plug. Glad to see you are out of your blogging funk.
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