Short post today. All morning I've been watching the news about these two boys, Shawn Hornbeck and Ben Ownby, who were kidnapped and miraculously found this week. I can't even imagine what that must have felt like both for these kids and for their families.
There have been many references to the Elizabeth Smart kidnapping as well. I remember when that was in the news - both her being missing and her being found. I can't help but wonder how this shocking experience will mold their lives. I guess we won't know for a number of years.
Here's one thing that really gets me upset in uplifting news stories like this one. Once the "feel good" feelings wear off, which usually take a day or two, the news then focuses on the perpetrator. This guy will become the celebrity criminal of the week. The press will "try to get into the head of" whomever this guy is.
Then, the TV movie will be made which will somehow rationalize this guy's behavior with some kind of story of a tragic childhood. Don't get me wrong. Guys like this never have a "normal" upringing. But, as always happens, the press (and probably Hollywood) will somehow remove the personal accountability for his actions by making excuses and make this guy famous. Really burns me up sometimes. I guess this post wasn't so short after all...
I hope they lock that kidnapper up and throw away the key. Both of those young boys will most likely have terrible emotional consequences...
Hey Dr. A, you're in reruns over on my site today! Enjoy!
Great news. Maybe my regular reader dave f will take this bone of "good news" he's been clamoring for over on my site.
Wasn't this an amazing story, though!
I'm worried about the older boy and all he's been through in the last 4 years. I shudder to think of what he must've been subjected to and told in order not to flee his captor.
Being in Uruguay, I'm a little disconnected from the news in your country, but you can bet there will be a movie! I have mixed feelings for the boys, happines and sorrow, thanks God they are phisically ok, but the consequences....they will be there al their life :(
Take care....I liked your blog.
Look on the bright side: the exposure means every hardened criminal in jail will want to "get inside" the perp. And, er, I don't mean "picking his brain", but "ass-raping him all day and all night." Let's go, media spotlight! C'mon!
Hi came over from the rerun of you at BESTEST.
You make some excellent points regarding the news and how this waste becomes a celebrity.
The lives of these two boys and their families have changed forever. He does not deserve two minutes worth of coverage.
I agree with you - US news broadcasts always seem to focus on the wrong angle in any story (not to mention talking about it to the point where you don't feel like a jerk when you say you're tired of hearing about it).
I was totally blown away by the news. I can't even imagine my kids being missing. I hope that they have access to counseling as they will sure need it!
Yes, I nearly cried when I heard the news. Since I live in St. Louis, I've seen the news reports from when the boys went missing, both 4 years ago and this week. There were several stories on the anniversary of Shawn Hornbeck's disappearance on the news and it was just a refresher piece on how his parents weren't giving up hope and if anyone had any information to please contact such and such number. So to see his 15 year old face after the same smiling shot that somehow took on a sad quality in its timelessness was such a relief, and I don't even know that family. Then the disgust for the kidnapper set in. He won't last long in prison, that much is for sure.
If there is a movie (my money is on Hollywood because of the sensational nature of the boys' return), I hope they villify the kidnapper like he should be, messed up childhood or not.
I agree any jerk who uses there past as an excuse for their actions today oughta be shot... it's full of crap and I can't seriously believe people buy into that. IF there is one thing someone learns from being hurt it is they know what it feels like and they shouldn't be hurting others like they were hurt. stupid idiots
What a story. Can you imagine!?
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