I got that blog writer's block virus. (Cartoon credit: A Perfect World) Don't know where I got it or how I got it, but I got it. Maybe an antibiotic will make it go away? Maybe I need to go to the blog block doc? Maybe I need Jenny from the block? Maybe I need to plan a blog block party?
What do you do when you're hit with writer's block?
I take a blog break . . . get some rest!
I do a stupid quiz or find a meme to do.
I read some of the funiest soaps LOL you should see what your up to in the soap world LOL... trying to take over the bar piffle LOL get some rest!!
I usually just go over to some other blog I like, usually someone who writes just a little better and a little funnier than I do and perform a simple action called "cut" and "paste." It's not like I'm plagurizing a term paper or something important like that!
One tip - don't link to the blog in question. It looks fishy.
I eat sweeties, and stare out the window, maybe if I stare long enough the words will come flying to me....hihihih....
I'm also scared of having a blog block. But don't worry, take a break or play soccer. :)
I write - anything, even just random emails or blog comments! But, I keep it completely unserious.
Hope your better soon.
Dr. G
Take a break and run or hang out with the most creative person you know. They always think outside the box and they'll help you think outside the box. One remedy that I heard with freeing up writers block is to play with 7 year olds, just watch their imagination just roam everywhere.
I usually just start writing whatever is in my head, even if it is nothing and eventually it turns into something I can post. I often shouldn't post what comes out but I do anyway because I have no shame.
I normally take a little mini break from writing and bake/cook for myself vs my readers. I find that during my little break I discover something I just have to write about. I also keep a little journal (a nice notebook and pen to actually put pen to paper with) and jot down ideas for posts. I may not write on them for several months after I jot them down but when the occasional block happens, I have them to fall back to. You'll eventually get back to writing! Promise!
Sometimes I'll just post links to fun sites or sites I dont want to loose track of. Other times I'll post a picture (speaks a 1000 words they say) of something going on in my life. Still other times I just go live and think and digest life until I am struck with the mood to write again.(not to mention-it gives me something new to blog about oftentimes) I have often seen people that blog often need to take breaks to stay fresh with their blogs. No shame in writers block.
Just do what makes you happy.I make a graphics and sometime,I get artistic block,and I listen to music,just to shake things up a little,it helps to get my creative juices flowing again.
well doc i sure don't have an answer for you as to blogging, why not go "commenting" for awhile and maybe that will get you over it. you know, drop lots and lots of comments in the blogesphere and the writing you do there may unblock you. otherwise, i suggest a suppository. smiles, bee
I wander around other blogs and sometimes comment. I usually find something interesting, and sometimes that will give me something to say. I have to admit, recently, I've had far too much to say.
Receipe for blog block (do in order):
1. open red wine.
2. pour glass of wine.
3. stare at puter screen - drink from glass.
4. stare at puter screen - drink from glass.
If you have not started writing - then:
5. surf news stories
6. stare at puter screen - drink from glass.
7. surf other blogs
8. stare at puter screen - drink from glass.
if you have not started writing by now - it doesn't matter, you've been drinking wine...so go out and find some new people to interact with...try a social experiment on the street...
then come home and write.
Run your favorite music on iTunes in the background while you're blogging...
Yes, usually take a break or if it's time for a new MP3 that might suffice.
Also, just popping in to other blogs and seeing how everyone else is doing is good. Sometimes that can also provide some inspiration.
But yes, probably just not posting for a bit is the number one answer.
Yes, usually take a break or if it's time for a new MP3 that might suffice.
Also, just popping in to other blogs and seeing how everyone else is doing is good. Sometimes that can also provide some inspiration.
But yes, probably just not posting for a bit is the number one answer.
Sometimes I go here (http://sundayscribblings.blogspot.com/) and run across some ideas. Other times I just read a lot of other blogs and maybe something that I read sparks something in me.
There are times when I think I should not post just to given people a break, but I can't seem to stop myself. But the first step is admitting you have a problem, right?
You might be interested (or not) in this, from someone on the other side of the table:
Hey, Dr. A, how about writing something relatively personal? That is, something that is not repeating something that we don't already know/could find out from somewhere else?
I am guilty of posting such information (that people could find somewhere else) at times but not as much as you. I look at the page that currently loads when I access your blog and I find ...
- writer's block
- American Idol (yawn)
- A meme
- Grand Rounds announcement
- A link to a link that links back to you
- A link to a uterus transplant
- Remembering MLK on a national holiday
- A post of your bestest blog
- Re-telling of lost in Missouri
- CNN news
- A follow up on your Fat Fido post
- Whoohoo! Apple's iphone.
I for one would like to see something that comes from *you*.
Perhaps then you wouldn't be facing a blog block?
Come on, Dr. A, let's see something ORIGINAL. What makes Dr. A the man that he is?
It happens to us all Sweetie. Try some prunes! ;0}
Try reading the New York Times' Science and Health pages. There's almost always some dumb opinion piece in there that'll raise your righteous ire. Works for me almost every time.
There's always alcohol.(resulting post will be creative, original, and funny.)Just a thought.:-)
Read other people's blogs in hopes of being able to steal (I mean borrow) an idea. ;)
I watch funny TV shows (mostly Will & Grace) for inspiration. And, if inspiration does not come, at least I got a few laughs.
I'm blocked too. Maybe Ex-Lax?
No wonder: bloggers got it rough - - we try to stay somewhere near the truth. Not like that liar who wrote my biography, RUTHIE BLACK.
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