After weeks of speculation and expectation, Steve Jobs introduced the Apple iPhone at the Macworld Conference and Expo in San Francisco yesterday. I've already confessed my obsession for gadgets like this one.
This is a really cool product. Not only is it a phone, but also an iPod and an internet browser as well. For more details, check out the iPhone site and even watch the Steve Jobs presentation of the iPhone.
The thing is not going to be available until June. So, I have a little time to talk myself out of buying this cool gadget. But, well see....
i saw this on the news last night, and knew there'd be a post from you in the morning :)
it looks VERY cool. but for around $500, i dunno. i cant talk much tho, the new phone i want is $300. and its merely a phone.
It's a phone, Doc! You know, the thing that rings when you're in your backswing and causes you to hit an old lady on the next hole? The thing that rings when you're answering nature's call and trying to read the sports page? The thing that rings when you're pulling into your driveway... and when you answer it you find you have to pull right out again?
No, Doc, I don't care if it looks cool. It's a phone.
I want I want I want I want.
Hey Curmudgeon, how about this?
Yes, it's a phone. But, you can BLOG from this phone. This thing does have a full and complete internet connection. So, you can keep up on your blogging addiction.
How about now? Ok, I know, I know. It's still a phone...
I can BLOG from this computer -- and it doesn't ring!
And I've never been called out of the bathroom to answer an email!
I'm afraid we may have to agree to disagree on this one, Doc.
Respectfully yours,
Point taken. Go Chicago Bears!
I want that phone 'cause...i NEED that phone...yes I need of it for....life :P
does anyone remember the old ad that showed up in 2005 (I think) that featured the phone floating up in the air, opening, playing some video, and then sitting back down, all to a very catchy tune.
here it is: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3168733759916419298
back then it was known as "iTalk" it's hard to see, but that was just a design consept. I'm glad that the touch screen remained a feature. as super steno said "Gimme Gimme Gimme" oh and curmudgeon, it is true that that net acsess wont alwy's be usefull, but on long bus rides or train rides it could be fun. I also like the addition of a wide screen.
I say get it, Doc--and I want one too, oh yeah!
If I had the money and needed everything the phone did, I would get it also. Anything to get a new toy!
If you haven't already read Intueri's post about the iPhone, you should check it out. I found it funny and a good way to put the $500 price tag in perspective.
Even though it would be one of the most expensive "smart" phones, I figured that the gadget-philes just can't resist its shiny-ness. I heard the Apple stock went up $7 in one day yesterday, and I'm sure AT&T too.
It seems Cisco is suing Apple over its "iPhone" trademark it already owns (smart buggers). I hope this doesn't delay your purchase!
Hmm...I don't like Ipods themselves and internet access through phones really isn't safe or secure (coming from someone in the police force) so I think this would just be a waste of money.
I agree with curmudgeon--I don't like cell phones. I got rid of mine a long time ago. I do like gadgets though, but I'll have to stick with the plain ol' iPod.
With this vital stats, it's reallu something. :)
Screen size - 3.5in (8.9cm)
Resolution - 320x480 pixels
Memory - 4GB/8GB
Wireless - Quad-band GSM/wi-fi/Bluetooth
Camera - 2 megapixels
Battery life - 5 hours talk/16 hours playback
Size - 115 x 61 x 11.6mm
Weight - 135grammes
Operating System - OS X
And yes, it could be challenged by Cisco again having owned the name since puchasing Infogear who used that name before. But Steve Jobs is very ecstatic with this revolutionary phone. :)
Now if only it was a phaser, too.
Notice they haven't announced the price yet...that I'm looking forward to! I'm a treo fan but I could easily see getting swayed to the i-side...especially if it gets cable - then I can watch the Red Sox from anywhere.
As a confirmed Apple junkie, I've been using a Mac for over 20 years... I too have longed for the long awaited iPhone. We Mac people who read the Mac news stuff daily, have heard the whispers about the development of this little gadget for well over a year -- some pics were leaked by someone in the R&D department via a cell phone pic about 9 months ago. If Steve Jobs would have said the iPhone was going to be on the market the day after his announcement, I might have been down at the Apple store, credit card in hand.
They did announce the price -- it was posted on Apple's website -- it will be around $600 and comes in 2 or 4 Gigs
"Malnurtered snay" cracks me up!....
I'm starting to feel really old fashioned. I like my phones to be phones and my cameras to be cameras and my mp3 players to... yeah, you get it.
I just get frustrated by these things. My Dell Axim has a screen that's too small to have fun with, really and it looks like this phone would be the same.
just like with the iPod, I can't get excited about this. Sure, it's neat, and that pinch thing raised my eyebrows a bit, but I will never be able to afford one. No point in getting a stiffy over it.
I'll wait a year or so until the price comes down-and they've worked out any bugs.
You know, Doc, my birthday is in July. Don't you give nice nurses a gift on their birthday?
No, supposedly his nurses get gift cards to the Olive Garden so they can return them to Dr A a few weeks/months later ;)
Once you go Mac, you never go back, baby. I am so excited about the arrival of this device that I could just pee. Sure, my Treo does email and a lot of other stuff, but it doesn't play well with my much beloved mac computer. The best part about this phone (price be damned, I lust after the big 'un) is that it will operate seamlessly and speak the same language as my computer. As far as the Cisco suit goes, all I can say is, "a rose by any other name..."
The two devices that mankind spends the most time and money trying to improve the battery life on are mp3 players and cell phones. So now we stick the two together in one unit so that the battery only lasts half as long? How much sense does that make????
Sorry, but I'll keep my cell and mp3 player separate thanks! At least that way I should always have entertainment of some sort.
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