Thursday, March 27th, 2008 at 9pm Eastern Time
Join us tomorrow night for the triumphant return of The Doctor Anonymous Show on Blog Talk Radio! Yes, I've had enough of Talkshoe. I have so much to talk about that I didn't even schedule a guest for the show. I hope that doesn't prevent you from tuning in. Check out the preview here.
I'm not afraid of trying (and failing at) new and different ways to do the show. So, here are some topics that I'm going to be talking about:
*The Blog Break: Why it happened and where have I been?
*New ideas for the show and future guests
*National Doctors' Day: Did you know it's coming up next week? What's your hospital doing (if anything)? Rita Schwab has a good background post on Doctors' Day
*Match Day: For the docs out there, do you remember match day? Ah, those memories...
*Spring Break: Are you away from work or school this week? What are you doing? Call in and let me know. And, remember those carefree days of spring break? Call in and reminisce those memories.
*April Fools' Day: It's coming up on Tuesday! Call in with your best AFD jokes
*Where am I going in May for a "conference?"
Here are some news stories that I may mention:
*Andy Rooney from 60 Minutes talks about doctors.
*Complications associated with plastic surgery kill future pre-med student
*Long ER waits associated with elderly going to nursing home not home
*World's tallest man struggles to fit in.
Of course, I can talk about any of this stuff, or none of this stuff. Plus, I'll be taking your phone calls! Take part in the chat room, or what I affectionately call, "The MedBloggers Lounge." A great opportunity to interact with medbloggers you've only read about. You can even call into the show to talk and/or ask a question. See you for the show!
For first time Blog Talk Radio listeners:
*Although it is not required to listen to the show, I encourage you to register on the BlogTalkRadio site prior to the show. I think it will make the process easier.
*To get to my show site, click here. As show time gets closer, keep hitting "refresh" on your browser until you see the "Click to Listen" button. Then, of course, press the "Click to Listen" button.
*You can also participate in the live chat room before, during, and after the show. Look for the "Chat Available" button in the upper right hand corner of the page. If you are registered with the BTR site, your registered name and picture will appear in the chat room.
*You can also call into the show. The number is on my show site. I'll be taking calls beginning at around the bottom of the hour. Hope these tips are helpful!
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