Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Now, I failed miserably at NaBloPoMo last month. For all of you who succeeded (and didn't win any real prize), there's this reward for you. HA!

So, anyway, I'm a glutton for punishment. I ran into another blogging challenge over there on the Frectis blog. The challenge is easy - Post every day from December 1st through January 1st (sound familiar).

I guess there are two tiers to Holidailies. The top tier registration is closed and they're enforcing daily posts. If not, then you're demoted to the lower tier which they are affectionately calling the "home game" version of Holidailies 2006.

So, the underachiever blogging self signed up for the Holidailies at Home. If you haven't checked it out over there yet, I encourage you to do so. Lots of great writing and reading over there.

Speaking of which, I'm still considering accepting Cathy's challenge of writing a post ending with the line, "I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them." Hmmmmm. I don't know if I have the creative juices for that. Still thinking...


Anonymous said...


Giving you "props" for being such a gladiator and taking on all these blog competitions. Cathy's Challenge sounds especially interesting, but I just don't have the muse in me this month.

Best of luck!

Anonymous said...

Eh, NaBloPoMo. She didn't even check my blog as evident from my "came from stats". I was probably the best blog and everything ;)

I thought about egging you on for the Holidailies but thought you'd probably had enough of that nonsense by now, LOL.

It's me, T.J. said...

I don't know if I could ever participate in any of these ~social blogging events~.

There's so many other priorities fighting for my attention.

And I hardly ever get to stop by and visit with my blogging buddies.

With my blogging anxieties at an all time high due to my other responsibilities...

I am constantly on the look out for avenues that will provide me relief from the pressures that I feel.

In so doing...

"I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them."


Anonymous said...

oh come on doc, take cathy's challenge.... you can do it. i signed up and i have no clue in this world what to write. i tried twice and trashed it....we'll see, huh? and thanks for the comment.....bee

Anonymous said...

Dr. A...Well personally, I think you could come up with a GREAT story with that ending. You always write good stuff...:)Keeping my fingers crossed.

TJ...Thats pretty good!lol... I should just take that and post it under your name on the 15th...:)Of course I won't do that unless you say so.

Anonymous said...

Dr. A., That one would be so easy for me. Think about it and you might have a clue how to go about it. ;)

GaffLady said...

did the first one and i liked "cathy's challenge". you did great last time...you should do it again.