Someone in my department printed out my blog and showed it to my boss. He tells me he didn't read it and won't interfere in what I do with my own time as long as I do a good job at work.
Still, I'm heartbroken.
Why, whoever did this, did you not come to me?
It's been fun, folks. I will miss you all.
What's going on out there? Who will be next? Hopefully, not me. Blog land is getting scary out there. I may have more to say about this later. Meanwhile, back my bored review lecture...
I'm sure it has to do with the fear of being sued. People are so sue-happy these days. And doctors seem to be an easy mark.
Weird how we are losing them on the same day! Hopefully it didn't hurt their relationships with people in their respective departments.
I noticed FD was gone this morning too. I usually read her blog and your blog daily along with a few others. But hers was gone.
I am so sad to see her disappear. She was such a great read. :(
What cowardice the 'tattler' displayed by not coming directly to FatDr.
It's a result of this police state we currently live in under this administration where things like civil rights are but a distant memory. Miranda act--who needs it? Arrest someone w/out charges and send them to Gitmo for torture--why not? George Orwell and Kurt Vonegut are spinning in their respective graves. People are being silenced for no good reason.
Just like the person (people?) at my job reading my blog while at work, but not telling me........
Disheartening..... :(
I can't figure people's motives for doing such a thing...
Sorry to hear this - she will be greatly missed....
Just be careful.
Free speech is dead on the internet,with some doctors.It's sad day in US. Robert
I think we will see all medical blogs disappear within a month due to the risk/fear of being sued.
I have posted a blog about it.
It is a tragedy of the commons. The first to exploit a resource, if they are fast enough and rapacious enough can liquidate all of it.
It stinks, pure and simple. Nasty and vindictive co-worker. Have to wonder about the motives of that person.
Writer's Digest had a piece not too long ago called "Blogged and Burned" that made some interesting points:
Blogged and Burned>
Seems the medical world is not the only place where blogging can be trecherous.
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