Yes, that's right, boys and girls - It's March Madness time again. Don't know what this is about? Well, it's a marketing ploy, that actually works. This refers to the annual national college basketball tournament in the USA. And, I admit that even I get caught up in the hype.
I remember back in college (Oh no! Not another college reference!). The first full day of the tournament (Thursday) is usually a national holiday on college campuses across the country. It's college basketball on TV almost from dawn to dusk (depending in which time zone you live).
Of course, you want to win the entire thing. But, for those who don't know, the last four teams in the tournament, are proud to call themselves, "The Final Four." Ah, memories. Anyway, where's the meme part, you ask? Well in re-living these memories, I thought of a meme that I think wil be interesting....
You can call this, "The March Madness Meme," or, "The Final Four Meme." Here it is: Name four colleges/universities. That's it! Isn't that simple?
It can be your Final Four teams. It can be a college or university that you went to or are going to. It can be a school you would have wanted to attend and why. This meme is pretty flexible. Without further ado, here's my list:
THE Ohio State University: My parents told me that I would flunk of school and never get into medical school if I went here. And, they were probably right. I would have loved to go there, though.
University of Notre Dame: I know Ms. Emergiblog likes this choice! I took a tour of the campus during football season there -- what a great atmosphere! What can I say, I had twelve years of Catholic school education, and I had a lot of friends going there. Oh well, I guess, was not meant to be.
University of Santo Tomas (Philippines): I don't know how good their basketball team is but this is where my father went to school. Now, that would have been interesting to see my father as a college student.
Georgetown University: I dunno why this choice. I think I just wanted to be in the movie St. Elmo's Fire. Yes, a closet Brat Pack fan. All those movies were classic 80's movies - Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, Pretty in Pink, etc.
That's the meme. Have fun with it. I'm wondering how many schools around the world people will name. I'm not tagging anyone. If you feel like taking up this challenge, that's great. If not, that's fine, too. Finally, GO BUCKS!
We live in Buckeye country. Son #2 has dreams of attending OSU. Sadly his GPA reflects his love of fun over his love of academics so it is a real long shot (he is more like to be doing shots)
Son #1 applied to three..accepted at all three..making the big choice this week..guess my 4 would be where I wish I had gone (in no particular order:)
A fair mix of good education and party schools.
OK Doc., Im interested in something here..Why did your parents think you wouldn't make it to medical school if you went to "Ohio State"?
As you know, It is my college..I went there, my kids went there, my brothers went there...Even the one that went to medical school..lol
I have a story about a friend of ours that went to Notre Dame...J.W. Oh, he was a big football star and played in the game when they won the National Championship back in the 60s..Then he was drafted by the Chicago Bears..Then he was drafted by Uncle Sam and went to VietNam...A beautiful career down the drain..
Anyway, If I did this meme it would be almost the same as yours. Atleast my top 2 picks would be. Also, basketball just ain't my game.
Cathy, It wasn't about the school. Let's just say that if I went away to school there would be no way I would have gotten the grades to be accepted into med school. Being a young kid away from home for the first time, I would party, party, party, and would have been like the rest of my friends who went away to school. I saw more a more of my friends end up back at the state school were I went because my high school peers focused more on the social life than the academic life.
That's all I meant by that comment. Yeesh! Mom was right again....
Case Western Reserve University - where Case used to play against Western Reserve - even AFTER they merged. Go Spartans! Oh - and when you registered for classes, all of the course prefixes included this lovely acronym - "SCRWRU" which gave rise to its usual nickname of screw you.
Then went to Columbia University - where the Lions had been defanged.
A total of seven years at schools that never won a single football game (I don't remember whether they even had basketball teams). But I loved them both, and they do field mean chess teams.
U of M
Hillsdale College
North Park University
Indiana University
Southern Illinois University
OK, that's five - no other reasons than those colleges keep calling us with fund raisers knowing that someone in this house is an alum.
Go Heels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1. University of Illinois: My B.S. alma mater who also retired their racist Native American mascot today. Finally! (At a 12-seed they were lucky to squeak into the NCAA tourney, just two years removed from their championship run.)
2. George Washington: My M.D. and M.P.H. alma mater and another lucky tourney break, winning the A10 bid with an upset in the conference tournament.
3. Georgetown: Because I don't like the school (and it's Catholic tendencies) but I love the basketball team. Go Hoyas!
4. Old Dominion: Because everyone loves an underdog.
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