Dale Clayton from the University of Utah has found a unique way to get rid of nits without the muss and fuss. His solution? A hairdryer. Yes, a hairdryer. It is called the LouseBuster and it blows air heated to 140F/60C to kill the critters. A "rake-like attachment" is then used to comb out the lice. Here is the detailed explanation below -- picture and article from Times Online.

Now, when I saw this concept, it seemed vaguely familiar to me. Before I started blogging, I did a lot of television watching late at night - mainly infomercials. And, I vaguely remember the Flowbee Vacuum Haircut System. This is a vaccum cleaner thing that also cuts hair. Yes, I'm serious. This is so funny, I even remember seeing this talked about on an episode of Friends. Here's the promo picture (what would Chandler say about this?).

Conincidence? You be the judge! How about taking this concept to the next level? You know, I'm such the enterperneur -- in the spirit of The Apprentice (the first season is still my fave). Why not combine both of these products? What would you call it? Of course, the Flowbee LouseBuster! Remember, you heard it here first. Get rid of your kid's lice while giving him a trendy haircut. Call right now! Tell your friends and neighbors! Operators are standing by.... HA!
Addendum: Welcome to all of you from the WeKnow Parenting Forum! I heard I was linked there. If you liked this, then feel free to check out the rest of my blog. You might like it!
Back in my student newspaper days one of our most frequent advertisements was for a product that addressed similar hygiene issues. These were some of the rhymes that they -- not we! -- included in their ads:
Crabs and lice are not so nice
And nits are simply stupid.
Take the cure that knocks 'em dead
and gets you back to Cupid
* * *
Crabs on crotch?
Lice on head?
One thing's sure to
knock 'em dead.
Until Viagra came along, I thought these were crude.
But they paid a serious chunk of our budget. And I guess they were memorable.
Actually, it dries the nits and lice out. The heat helps with that, and it's not as hot as a regular hair dryer but it has alot more volume of air moving through it.
Looks good to me!
Twas alot about it on the local news, since we're right by the U of Utah.
Dr. A,
Your concept sounds like a painless and odorless way to get rid of de louses..haha. I only hope your version gives a better haircut than the original did.
Thanks for stopping by today. I really appreciate your comments.
Good luck on the NaBloPoMo too. Personally I'm finding it a bit of a challenge.
Since you won't go with your real pic, I think you should use that guy for your emblem in the sidebar. Just a thought. I'm still getting over the fact that you wrote a post about how you went shoe shopping....
Gah, just reading this brings back bad memories of my one and only lice infestation. It was not discovered until I was on a trip to England with my grandmother so I had to go to a chemist's shop to get the treatment. I felt so embarrassed to me in a strange country infested with lice.
What's Randy Johnson doing pitching hair cutters?
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