It's been months since I have written any kind of significant blog post. I'm not really sure why. I could use the excuse that work is getting in the way, or life is getting in the way. But, I know that those are just poor excuses. I also know that if you don't write anything, no one reads the blog. I have seen my readership slowly dwindle over the past few months. Frankly speaking, I'm embarrassed to call my self a "blogger" these days.
The only way to get back writing - is to just write. So, that is what this post is about. What I hope to do is to try to find my blogging voice again. I have put so many road blocks in front of me and I have made so many excuses. It's time for me to stop making excuses and just writing something again. The funny thing is that I used to enjoy writing. It used to be a unique way for me to express myself.
So, I hope this post is a way for me to start over. A way for me to restart and jump start this blog again. I know where I want to go with this blog, and the direction that I want to take this. But, the only way to get there is to just start writing again. Thanks for your patience as I try to get back to where I was before on the blogging front....
Welcome Back
Welcome back
Welcome back!
Remember, the blog is not your day job. The fact that time committment to it waxes and wanes is appropriate as you focus on the more important things in life.
Your blog is valuable because of what you do when you are not blogging.
Thanks so much for everyone's encouraging words. One blog post at a time, right? hehe
I'm glad you're back to blogging, Dr. A. :)
It can be so hard to keep up with our blogs with our everyday stuff getting in the way.
For me, it is about getting into a funk and then realizing I will never win a Pulitzer prize. lol That stops me right in my tracks.
But I try to remember how much fun I have writing my posts, how I crack myself up, as I am my own best audience. Mostly I try to remember the wonderful friends I have made through blogging and the terrific, supportive, encouraging comments they leave
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