I noticed recently that our pal Dr. Rob just passed 100,000 visits. He made light on this event, with, what else, a Twitter post. I then took a look at my own Sitemeter stats and saw that I'm getting close to 200,000. YAY! Doing some calculations, I think this will happen this weekend. Help me out (hehe), send your friends and neighbors over here to check out my blog. Hope you're having a great weekend!
Good Luck!
When did you begin using sitemeter? In other words, how long has it taken to get to 200,000? I am impressed regardless.
Wow!! That'll be way cool! That's alot of visits!
Close????? I am exactly your visitor number 200,000!!!! Do I win a million dollars or something? :D
lol, this is so funny cuz I didn't visit your blog in such a long time.
i see you made it. you are so far ahead of me i fear i shall never catch up.
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