Monday, April 26, 2010

Pollen & Allergies

If you haven't read about the "record" high levels of pollen in the air, you (like me) have experienced a lot of the allergies we know as allergic rhinitis. Yesterday, I was on the local TV news station talking about pollen, allergies, and what to do about it. Check out Video 1 and Video 2 below. If you found them useful, I encourage you to check out more of my interviews by clicking here. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Angelo Mandato said...

Allergies drive me crazy every spring. The only time I get relief is when I take Allergy-D, which I try to avoid since it seems to diminish my ability to concentrate.

I did discover that while I traveled to Las Vegas last week my allergies subsided. They quickly returned when the plane door opened in Ohio!