Tuesday, January 19, 2010


So, for the last three days, I've been doing this silly experiment with myself (no not anything like that people - hehe). I have tried to unplug from twitter and facebook for a few days. Well, I have failed in one aspect in that I have been continuing to log into FB and twitter. And, I have commented on FB.

However, I have not placed an update or tweet for the past few days. And, let me tell you, it has been very difficult NOT to do that. I had been kind of weird, though, in that I have found myself getting back to this blog to write thoughts down - and it's been a good thing. (BTW, thanks for all the feedback as I have tried to get back into blogging).

I'm continuing to hold true and not do my live internet radio show for these two weeks. And, I'm doing ok (for now) in not posting any updates. It's silly, but getting out of one mind set, has shifted be into another mindset as far as "What am I going to blog about today?" The experiment continues.....


AtriaBooks said...

just quit your silly doctoring and saving lives and you'll have time to entertain us on all the internet sites we're used to seeing you on. DUH!

Dr. A said...

You read this? First of all, I'm sorry lol. Now, get back to your Jets prep for the AFC championship game. HA!

Jay said...

Twitter and Facebook do take a lot away from blogs. It's a tough balance. Although I could probably walk away from Facebook and not really miss it. Twitter? Not so much.

Dr. A said...

Right now, I think I could walk away from twitter, but not facebook. But, we'll see how I feel in the next few days....

Dr. Gwenn said...

Congrats on becoming more unplugged!

I have a hard core rule to not do any of my social media stuff on weekends...unless it's a paid gig. That keeps me unplugged and reserves time for family and friends. Perhaps try something like that on...it would mean playing around with your podcast day/time but would give you back a life a bit more ;)

CrAzY Working Mom said...

I can relate to this post on so many levels! When I first started FB, it took lots of time away from blogging. Then I started playing games there and then added twitter. The blog really suffered. I have quit playing FB games altogether and limited my FB time as well. I am actually reading blogs too! :) It feels great to get back to blogging!