Saturday, July 04, 2009

Happy Independence Day!

I always associate patriotic holidays like July 4th with Ray Charles and America The Beautiful. Before I head out for the day with friends and family to have a great time, I will say a prayer for all those who have given their lives for my freedom and I will think about all those men and women out there right now fighting for and defending my freedom. I hope you will, too. Have a Happy and Safe Independence Day!


MrRyanO said...

Well said!

Have a great day!

Jabulani said...

I hope you had a fantastic day!
I still fondly remember my own July 4th experience when I lived in Boston, MA (1989-90). We sat at the Hat Shell listening to Boston Pops in the blazing sun and I met some fantastic people from Dartmouth College (with whom I recently reconnected via facebook!). Awesome celebration; definitely America the Beautiful.