I am so excited to be going to my first HIMSS conference next week in Atlanta. From what I understand, this IS the largest health related IT conference around and one of the world's premier conferences on medical information and technology management. Since I have a passion both for medicine and for technology, I figured that this conference would be perfect for me. I really have no expectations as far as what I'm really looking for - other than to learn a bunch of new stuff and meet a lot of great people.
I have been asked by Dr. Val to help out in the Better Health coverage of the event. I'm happy to help out. Here's the announcement on Better Health, if you haven't seen it yet.
Your social media guide to HIMSS:
1. Watch live interviews of exhibitors, conducted by physicians on UStream. Tune in to Dr. Val’s UStream coverage (beginning at 9:30am each morning at HIMSS, March 1, 2, and 3rd). Click here: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/live-from-himss-what-s-hot-in-health-it
2. Participate in real time via Twitter. Follow @drval and tweet your questions to her during the interviews. She may ask the interviewees YOUR questions LIVE. To follow Dr. Val, go to: http://www.twitter.com/drval or follow the Twitter hashtag #HIMSS10 during the event to see tweets from UStream attendees and others.
3. Meet the bloggers at HIMSS. There will be a special panel discussion with Dr. Val and other popular health IT bloggers scheduled in the HIMSS Social Media Center. Check here for times: http://www.himssconference.org/education/socialmedia.aspx
4. Watch Dr. Val Reporting from HIMSS on ABC News (DC only): Tune in to News Channel 8 at 10:50am, Wednesday March 3rd to get Dr. Val’s take on the hottest technology presented at HIMSS. Dr. Val will join ABC News’ Dave Lucas via Skype.
5. Follow the Better Health blog team. Better Health contributors - nurses, doctors, and health writers - will offer feedback via their blogs on HIMSS events, speakers, and exhibitors. You’ll see their blog posts on their individual blogs and also at Better Health. Flip cam clips of HIMSS events (captured by one of the Better Health MDs at HIMSS) will be featured as well.
6. Blog Talk Radio: HIMSS Wrap Up With Dr. Val and Dr. Anonymous. Tune in to the Dr. Anonymous show at 8pm ET, Wednesday, March 3rd to hear final impressions about the show. Call in to discuss the event with hosts, or join the chat room. Find the show here: www.blogtalkradio.com/doctoranonymous
If I get a chance, I'd like to try to do some interviews of my own during HIMSS. So, if you see me coming at you with a camera, please don't be afraid (hehe). I'm just hoping to share a little bit of my HIMSS experience with my friends. In the video below from last fall's BlogWorld Expo in Las Vegas, you'll see how much fun I have talking with people.
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